Traffic Limit

  • Hello,
    today i saw that a customer has exceeded the traffic limit. the limit is 50gb while he has over 62gb. i got no infomail and the website is still online. Is this a simple statistic thing or are any processes behind that? interessting is that in resseler the value is in mib while in admin is gib ;) Version is 1.1.0-rc1.4

    Edited once, last by Sunghost ().

  • Hello MuhKuh,

    ;) - ok sounds like i mentioned. badly that it is opened since 20 month. i aks mysqlf how do all other admins of i-mscp handle this? do your own scripting? ok to know this fact let me sleep better and i will administrate it by my self ;(
    thx MuhKuh for pointing at this.

  • If the question is :
    How does iMSCP Admin deal with users that exceed disk usage limit ?

    Personally : perl script
    1-check domain table for disk usage
    2-email users that have 5% less space (just one mail every 30 days) with a link to extra disk usage fees and how to correct the situation page
    3-if a user exceed limit for more than 7 days on a 30 days basis, bill is sent every 30 days until :
    a) user lower disk usage
    b) get more disk space

    less than 7 days/month disk exceed is tolerated

  • off course xister, the only problem is the billing part. It is a separate monster I have built over the years and not yet for sharing. I think you guys have a more open plugin option right?

    I could update my comments to improve readability and explain the link to the billing part if someone is interested to see how I did it.

    I am not sure it is well optimized, but it works and I love it. (actually wrote it last week-end!)

    My too cents : I like the whole plugin thing, but I personally prefer to have my own (separate of iMSCP) little home-made perl library.

    Still interested ?
    I can probably post it tonight

  • Watch out!
    I didn't test after I add comments or removed some text extraction from DB I often use
    and I have batch translated some vars name

    Comments are appreciated. I am sure there is a lot of room for improvement in my coding skills

    Now if you think it should be implemented into iMSCP,
    I could do a cleaner and "less computing" job, and submit a patch.
    (now it just saved my brain some computing!)

    This would need a few admin options and a few tables.
    Maybe as a first step, it could be just an email warn to the user (and admin notice depending on admin notification level) without the "custom_folders" that calculate any extra folder.

  • Thanks @momo, this script looks interesting. If I understand it right it is checking disk space and not webtraffic?

    We have a root server with hetzner and have set a notification service if a certain limit of webtraffic has reached (on a daily and on a monthly basis). This traffic report by hetzner is for the whole server and the problem is detecting which domain may have caused an unusual amount of web traffic. The imscp statistics in the backend don't provide an overview for the specific day. Is there some similar script that checks the webtraffic and is sending a warning if a customer has caused a certain amount of webtraffic?

    i-MSCP 1.5.3 | Ubuntu 18.04