Not delete domain, subdomain

  • Hi, i`m install from script…tart:nightlyupgradedebian
    i-MSCP git/master

    Not work:
    delete domain
    delete subdomain

    Only show "Deletion in progress".

    Goto System tools -> Debugger -> i-MSCP Daemon tools show:
    "2 Execute requests"
    Click "2 Execute requests" and show message "Daemon returned 250 as status code".

    Distro: Debian 7.1
    Build: 20130608 Eagle

    Edited once, last by zitk ().

  • Activate the debug mode and have a look at the log files.

  • Activate the debug mode and have a look at the log files.

    Reinstall imscp, now working, but not work ... how creat new customer and check Add another domain ... show error...
    Don`t worry i`m reinstall again :D in stable version.

  • If you do not show us the error you get, it's hard to help. But if you prefer to re-install instead of looking into some logs.....

    Remember you are working on Linux, not Windows. You actually CAN fix things without reinstalling :D ;)

  • If you do not show us the error you get, it's hard to help. But if you prefer to re-install instead of looking into some logs.....

    Remember you are working on Linux, not Windows. You actually CAN fix things without reinstalling :D ;)

    i`m testing instalation process with imscp.conf modify any settings, but "When unsure, just answer with the defaults, to be sure that your server will work properly." (from wiki).
    More secure panel - logins for not default port...
    not default aplication link (pma, ftp, webmail)...
    login page require javascript for user browser...
    firewall blacklist for block ip (maybe country)
    Need more logs viewer for admin accounts (mail, mailq ... etc.).

  • I suggest you get imscp working first before you start to modify its config files.

  • Hello ;

    What is the rapport with the title of your thread???

    And please, before report any "bugs", try last master to be sure it's not already fixed.
