I have a problem with my emails

  • I created seven new emails with a time interval of 5-7 minutes each and is over 1 hour and still do not totally created, the first email in the list I created 1 week ago and it
    works fine, but new still still in the making .... but never end ...

    How do I solve it?

  • Activate the DEBUG in the imscp.conf and start the requestmanager on the console /var/www/imscp/engine/
    You will find the requestmanager in this folder.

    I change the parameter from "0" to "1" in the following code ("/etc/imscp/imscp.conf")

    1. # Debug Mode (e.g. for developers)
    2. # Options: 0 = off, 1 = on
    3. #
    4. DEBUG = 1
    5. #

    enter the console to the folder "/ var / www / imscp / engine /",

    As active the requesmanager?

    Sorry I'm new to the VPS and control panels ... : (

    Edited once, last by alexhemingway ().

  • Please have a look in the folder as i said.
    Then type "perl imscp-rqs....." The name of the script

    thanks for being helping me! : D

    Edited once, last by alexhemingway ().

  • Better. Please attach the logs. /var/log/imscp
    There you will find different logs. At first attach the log of the requestmanager.

    Edited once, last by alexhemingway ().

  • Hello ;

    Please try to update to last master.
