Disk usage always zero

  • Hi,

    Just stumbled over this. The Disk usage value is always zero...

    Is this a bug or am I missing something?

    See screenshot:

    Concrete5 Denmark - CMS til alle
    Michael Jensen-Maar
    Concrete5 Danmark


  • It is a develope server - but it will not shut down...
    And yes it is a VM...

    Concrete5 Denmark - CMS til alle
    Michael Jensen-Maar
    Concrete5 Danmark


    Edited once, last by MGAV ().

  • Sure that it never shut down? i ask you this, because my dev server is a virtual maschine on my pc and all disk are 0 too...
    That's normal, because the cronjob is running in the night:

    1. @daily root umask 027; /var/www/imscp/engine/quota/imscp-dsk-quota &>/var/log/imscp/imscp-dsk-quota.log

    Run this script manually. If all counters are correct, check you vm wheter the cron is running.

  • It is a develope server - but it will not shut down...
    And yes it is a VM...


    Try to confirm with last master please. I cannot test ATM.

    Thanks you.


  • Hi,

    I ran your script:


    /var/www/imscp/engine/quota/imscp-dsk-quota &>/var/log/imscp/imscp-dsk-quota.log

    And looked in the log file:

    I ran the command:


    pgreb cron

    and got:



    Could it have something to do that no customers has mail enabled?

    I have to emit that this is not daily stuff for me. So bear over me if I sound as a amateur.

    Concrete5 Denmark - CMS til alle
    Michael Jensen-Maar
    Concrete5 Danmark


    Edited once, last by MGAV ().

  • Hello

    I've not time ATM. It's possibel to have a teamviewer session this week-end? I want debug on your system to be able to fix.



  • I will set something up for you... I'll be back with information...

    Concrete5 Denmark - CMS til alle
    Michael Jensen-Maar
    Concrete5 Danmark
