Primary and Secondary DNS on one Machine

  • Hi,

    I have 2 IPs set up in I-MSCP:
    - 176.x.x.x domain1.tld - admin1/reseller1
    - 109.x.x.x domain2.tld - admin2/reseller2

    Now I want to configure I-MSCP that domains created by reseller1 uses IP1 as ns1.domain1.tld and IP2 as ns2.domain1.tld
    domains created by reseller2 uses IP2 as ns1.domain2.tld and IP1 as ns2.domain2.tld

    furthermore bind listing on IP1 has master files for domains created by reseller1 and slave files for domains created by reseller2
    bind listing on IP2 has master files for domains created by reseller2 and slave files for domains created by reseller1

    is this possible anyway?

    greetings, Thomas

  • no, it is not possible.

    and why do you want that at all? if you just want run your primary and secondary on one machine, it is not recommended, but possible.

    bind would respond to both resellers zones ip1 ns1.domain.tld as primary, and ip2 ns2.domain.tld as secondary, you dont even need to configure bind for primary/secondary. the only prerequisite are two ips from different nets (which is given in your case)

    your resellers webhosting would still be separated to your both ips by imscp

  • [...] run your primary and secondary on one machine, it is not recommended, but possible.

    Hosting and mailing is also on this machine, so the benefits of a dedicated secondary dns don't make sense. If this machine is down nothing works at all.
    But I know that it is recommended for safty.

    bind would respond to both resellers zones ip1 ns1.domain.tld as primary, and ip2 ns2.domain.tld as secondary, you dont even need to configure bind for primary/secondary. the only prerequisite are two ips from different nets (which is given in your case)

    Thank you, I didn't know that. I thought this is more difficult.

  • Hosting and mailing is also on this machine, so the benefits of a dedicated secondary dns don't make sense. If this machine is down nothing works at all.
    But I know that it is recommended for safty.

    You see your server as only one service and it's a common mistake... Well even if you are running all your services on the same machine, it's better to have a dedicated slave DNS server. Your server can still run (httpd, mail...) while the master DNS server is down.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().