allow user to upload ned template using sftp

  • Hello!

    I have a user who needs access to upload and edit a new template for i-mscp. But user is not able to upload, and recives the error "permission denied"

    I have added the user to www-data group, but still same error.

    How can I easily assign access for user to edit template?

  • I am running ii-MSCP 1.1.0-rc1.4 on Debian OS.

    Can i run adduser username vu2000? There is also a vu2005 group

  • When i write the files have the user and group vu2000 then the user still exist!
    Do you really know what you are doing? Sorry for this question, but you start to manipulate some configs which will open some doors.

  • too many cooks can spoil the broth, ergo, one administrator can manage multiple servers, one server should not be managed by multiple administrators.

    if you want to allow your user to manipulate imscp templates, you need to give him root access. he could by an accident break your server. even if he doesn't, you could break the server in an administrative conflict that relies in time dilation in your communication with the other admin (and many other options to get rid of your server)

    to make long story short, there is no way to allow your user to fully edit imscp templates, and templates only, while the rest of your server remain secure. there is a way, your resellers can upload their reseller logo. but nothing more w/o to provide anyone but the root with any imscp manipulations.

    best way to provide a user with a custom template, is to let him send the template to you, you review the changes for possible exploits / security hole he might built in, and to upload it your self after all is right ;)

    to provide your user with a template development environment, you can offer him a free vserver, so he can work in an independent system without risc for your productive machines.