Installer - Some issues with SSL dialog (fselect)

  • I ommited the first part, about creating the certificate because I've already have a certificate that's already working in the current install, in three parts


    gd_bundle.crt #bundle with the interface certificates #certificate #key

    Choosing the certificate in the menu doesn't seem to have any effect, I am back to the same fselect window every time, it seems that the frontend is not passing the values to the engine.

    Still , I can't find the debug information for this stage of the installer, where should it be? It doesn't seem to be in /var/log/imscp

    regards, joan

  • Work with the tabulator.. If the folder on the left is selected you need to it the spacebar two times. Then you will see that the folder will change.
    The same is with the cert files

    Unfortunately it doesn't work as I'd expect :(
    I can't browse to folders that are under my root, for example.
    I have the cert files at the standard places (/etc/ssl/cert & /etc/ssl/private), and the filepicker starts in root.
    Strangely still when pressing space/return on the .. while in the dir window, it doesn't got to /, but it remains in root.
    Any clues?

  • It seems that is something related to folder traversal restrictions, just opened a ticket.


    The ticket has been closed as worksforme. See my comment

    Thank for your report.
