I ommited the first part, about creating the certificate because I've already have a certificate that's already working in the current install, in three parts
gd_bundle.crt #bundle with the interface certificates
example.com.crt #certificate
example.com.key #key
Display More
1. Do you want activate SSL for i-MSCP?
--> Select yes
2. Do you have an SSL certificat?
--> Select yes
3. Please enter your password for the private key if needed:
--> Leave empty
4. Select the private key (here /root/ssl/private.key) via the fselect box
Choosing the certificate in the menu doesn't seem to have any effect, I am back to the same fselect window every time, it seems that the frontend is not passing the values to the engine.
Still , I can't find the debug information for this stage of the installer, where should it be? It doesn't seem to be in /var/log/imscp
regards, joan