Daemon logs under /var/log/imscp

  • Hi Laurent.
    i'm using Debian wheezy with the lastest master.

    I'd a look in the folder /var/log/imscp and there are a lot of logfile from the imscp_daemon

    All logs are empty... Is this a bug? Otherwise explain it to me...


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Hello ;

    The daemon log files are defined in /imscp/daemon/lr_syntax.h

    1. ..
    2. #define LOG_DIR "/var/log/imscp"
    3. #define STDOUT_LOG "imscp_daemon-stdout.log"
    4. #define STDERR_LOG "imscp_daemon-stderr.log"
    5. ...

    I'll review that.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Will be fixed in RC3.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().