Some problem while upgrading

  • Hi Laurent.
    today i'd updated my virtual maschine and i had some problems while upgrading.
    On the virtual maschine was an old i-MSCP installation (i-MSCP 1.1.0-beta1, Build: 20120630, Codename: Eagle) on Debian Squeeze
    Here my steps how i'd upgrade the system:

    • Distupgrade Squeeze to Wheezy
    • download the current master
    • perl imscp-autoinstall -dr

    While the installation of i-MSCP there appears an error that the folder "/var/www/imscp/" exists.
    I'd renamed the folder to "/var/www/imscp_old". After thsi the installation works fine.
    Sometimes there appears the error that doesn't exist.. Thats clear because i had a dist-upgrade and suhosin ist available. I'd remove the suhosin.ini and restarted the apache.
    Maybe you can check this issue while installation.

    Now i'd start the webinterface with my login credentials. Everythin works fine.
    But the version of i-MSCP shows still

    1. i-MSCP 1.1.0-beta1, Build: 20120630, Codename: Eagle

    After a fresh installation the panel shows

    1. i-MSCP Git Master, Build: 20130107, Codename: Eagle

    And the webinterface shows me still updates available.


    Edited once, last by TheCry ().

  • Hello

    • Distupgrade Squeeze to Wheezy
    • download the current master
    • perl imscp-autoinstall -dr

    Why did you used the 'reconfigure' option?

    While the installation of i-MSCP there appears an error that the folder "/var/www/imscp/" exists.
    I'd renamed the folder to "/var/www/imscp_old". After thsi the installation works fine.

    Where have you seen such error?

    Sometimes there appears the error that doesn't exist.. Thats clear because i had a dist-upgrade and suhosin ist available. I'd remove the suhosin.ini and restarted the apache.
    Maybe you can check this issue while installation.

    Well, the installer cannot handle such warning (it's not an error). This problem occurs when the installer runs a PHP command (whatever the command is) that in your conf.d directory, you are refering to inexistent module or also when a configuration file contain an error.

    The only thing I can do is to hide those warnings.

    Well here, seem that i-MSCP has not been updated on your server.

    Please, try to make a new clone and try to update again:

    1. # perl imscp-autoinstall -d

    And send me both /var/log/imscp/imscp-build and /var/log/imscp/imscp-setup log files.

    Thanks you for your report.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Hello

    Why did you used the 'reconfigure' option?

    Because i want to active the mod-fpm while installation. I wanted to test the Joomla problem on my virtual maschine. That was the reason for the using.

    I will make the installation with debug and add the files here.

  • Because i want to active the mod-fpm while installation. I wanted to test the Joomla problem on my virtual maschine. That was the reason for the using.

    I will make the installation with debug and add the files here.


    Pay attention... The imscp-setup log file will contain some passwords...



    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Quote

    Where have you seen such error?

    Sorry.. I'd forgot to answer.
    The setup breaks with this error.. I had forgot to save the log at the time.. :(

    Here the logs from the last installation..
    All password are removed



      (21.92 kB, downloaded 24 times, last: )

  • Sorry.. I'd forgot to answer.
    The setup breaks with this error.. I had forgot to save the log at the time.. :(

    Here the logs from the last installation..
    All password are removed

    Thanks. I'll investigate.


  • Edit:

    I don't see any problem in the logs. As I see, you have simply rerun the installer. What is the state now. Could you restore your vm to the state before your first update attempt and try again? And of course, provide me the logs..



    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Sorry...
    I did not save the vm before but i had another server where i had an older i-MSCP installation and there i had upgrade i-MSCP now... And i got the error with the folder.
    I attach the logs an some screenshots.
    This server was Debian squeeze but the same error like Debian wheezy

  • Sorry...
    I did not save the vm before but i had another server where i had an older i-MSCP installation and there i had upgrade i-MSCP now... And i got the error with the folder.
    I attach the logs an some screenshots.
    This server was Debian squeeze but the same error like Debian wheezy

    Thanks. I'll now investigate (with better logs) :D


  • Edit: Well ok... Such exit status for the usermod command (exit 12) it's expected and is normally ignored. i'll fix.

    Thank you for your report.
