Error while adding new alias

  • I'm using the latest master on Debian Wheezy.
    While adding an alias the status "unknown error" appears.
    In the log "Alias_mngr_alias-domain.tld.log" i found this error

    1. [error] iMSCP::Rights::_set: /bin/chown: cannot access `/var/www/virtual/my-domain.tld/alias-domain.tld/domain_disable_page': No such file or directory

    In the folder of the alias domain are only this folders

    1. 00_private cgi-bin htdocs logs phptmp


    Edit: I'd activate the feature "web folder protection" on the first domain.

    Edited once, last by TheCry ().

  • Hello

    Thank you for your report. I'll fix.


  • Re ;


    What i-MSCP httpd server implementation you are using (Fcgi, ITK, PHP-FPM)?
    Wasa new customer created with last master or old customer created with old i-MSCP version?

    Thanks you.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • I'm using php-fpm. The User was created with the latest Master.

    Re ;

    I confirm...

    1. [Tue May 28 16:00:39 2013] [debug] iMSCP::Dir::_get: Opening directory /etc/imscp/apache/skel/domain
    2. [Tue May 28 16:00:39 2013] [debug] iMSCP::Dir::getDirs: Return errors 00_private htdocs phptmp backups logs cgi-bin domain_disable_page
    3. [Tue May 28 16:00:39 2013] [debug] iMSCP::Dir::getFiles: Return .htpasswd .htgroup
    4. [Tue May 28 16:00:39 2013] [debug] iMSCP::Dir::getAll: Return errors 00_private htdocs phptmp backups logs cgi-bin domain_disable_page .htpasswd .htgroup
    5. [Tue May 28 16:00:39 2013] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::execute: Execute /bin/chown -R vu2038:vu2038 /var/www/virtual/
    6. [Tue May 28 16:00:39 2013] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::getExitCode: External command exited with value 1
    7. [Tue May 28 16:00:39 2013] [error] iMSCP::Rights::_set: /bin/chown: cannot access ‘/var/www/virtual/’: No such file or directory
    8. [Tue May 28 16:00:39 2013] [debug] iMSCP::Database::mysql::mysql::doQuery: UPDATE `domain_aliasses` SET `alias_status` = ? WHERE `alias_id` = ? with: iMSCP::Rights::_set: /bin/chown: cannot access ‘/var/www/virtual/’: No such file or directory, 1

    I'll fix now.



  • Edit:

    Should be fixed in last master. See…3fa5110e8beff05dee0ae389d

    Thank you for your report.
