Migrating from EasySCP 1.1.13 ?

  • Hi, just want to ask if this will be included in 1.1.0 or whats the status of actual development?

    I need this feature too...

  • in RC4.7 i've seen no changes to this, and the Milestone changed to 1.2.0 so would there a version befor 1.2.0? Just want to swtich away from easyscp as soon as possible without reinstalling the whole system :)



    The migration script is a lot of work. Nuxwin is working hard for a stable version of i-MSCP.. Don't harass him... He spend so much time in coding... So please wait if he has time for such scripts!

  • Hi there,

    is there something new? I also have a EasySCP-installation that i would like migrate to i-MSCP

    Thanks, Frank.

    Support Infos: I-MSCP Version: 1.5.3 / Distro: Debian Stretch / PHP: 7.1.33 - FPM / I-MSCP Plugins: Let´s Encrypt 3.5.0 / and many others