Hi, just want to ask if this will be included in 1.1.0 or whats the status of actual development?
I need this feature too...
Hi, just want to ask if this will be included in 1.1.0 or whats the status of actual development?
I need this feature too...
Hi There,
in RC4.7 i've seen no changes to this, and the Milestone changed to 1.2.0 so would there a version befor 1.2.0? Just want to swtich away from easyscp as soon as possible without reinstalling the whole system
in RC4.7 i've seen no changes to this, and the Milestone changed to 1.2.0 so would there a version befor 1.2.0? Just want to swtich away from easyscp as soon as possible without reinstalling the whole system
The migration script is a lot of work. Nuxwin is working hard for a stable version of i-MSCP.. Don't harass him... He spend so much time in coding... So please wait if he has time for such scripts!
Hi there,
is there something new? I also have a EasySCP-installation that i would like migrate to i-MSCP
Thanks, Frank.
ok i'll get inline
me to so if there is any news ...........