Ubuntu 12.04 Install error

  • I resolved the problem I had problems in /etc/apt/source.list
    In the install tutorial put the sources because on the install don't specify them....

    Re ;

    The documentation don't talk about repositories because it's assumed that you are installing i-MSCP on a Debian/Ubuntu base install, which normally, contains the needed repositories. The i-MSCP installer is able to add the missing sections in your sources.list file as long you have the default repositories.

    Anyway, any administrator that use i-MSCP should know a minimum about its distribution and the involved services (Mail, DNS, Http...). We are not here to teach you about your distribution and more commonly, about LINUX.

    Thank you for using i-MSCP.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • The documentation don't talk about repositories because it's assumed that you are installing i-MSCP on a Debian/Ubuntu base install, which normally, contains the needed repositories. The i-MSCP installer is able to add the missing sections in your sources.list file as long you have the default repositories.

    Well, some of distributed editions of Ubuntu doesn't have restricted repositories and some of extended one. It causes that some required for i-MSCP packages may be unavailable from the default repos. I haven't checked it personally when installing i-MSCP but some softwares which I have installed before had the same problem. It have been solved when I have extended the repos by that ones, which haven't exist in default installation

    I think you may add into docs for Ubuntu that user should check first if they have all the recommended repos in his OS installation.