Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS
I-MSCP 1.5.3 (2018120800)
Today I wanted to update some cpan modules for spamassassin and accidentally ran:
perl -MCPAN -e upgrade
Since then I can't change any email address, it gets stuck on toadd ...
an update or reinstalling packages also shows an error message:
- [FATAL] Carp::croak: 'blocksize' is not a recognized argument at /usr/local/share/perl/5.26.1/Crypt/CBC.pm line 312, <$fh> line 408.
- at /var/www/imscp/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/Crypt.pm line 498.
- E: Problem executing scripts DPkg::Post-Invoke 'if [ -x /usr/local/sbin/imscp-dpkg-post-invoke.pl -a ${IMSCP_SETUP:=0} -eq 0 ]; then /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/sbin/imscp-dpkg-post-invoke.pl -d; fi'
- E: Sub-process returned an error code
I then tried to reinstall all perl packages
- apt-get --reinstall install perl libcrypt-blowfish-perl libcrypt-cbc-perl libcrypt-eksblowfish-perl libcrypt-rijndael-perl libdata-validate-ip-perl libdate-simple-perl libdatetime-perl libdbd-mysql-perl libdbi-perl libemail-valid-perl libfile-copy-recursive-perl libfile-homedir-perl libhash-merge-perl libjson-perl libmailtools-perl libmime-tools-perl libnet-dns-perl libnet-libidn-perl libsort-naturally-perl libtimedate-perl libunix-mknod-perl libwww-perl libxml-parser-perl libxml-simple-perl
LE plugin log (snap fix Kess) shows
CBC package seems to be available
- apt -y install apt-file
- apt update
- apt-file search Crypt/CBC.pm
- libcrypt-cbc-perl: /usr/share/perl5/Crypt/CBC.pm
- libmessage-passing-perl: /usr/share/perl5/Message/Passing/Filter/Decoder/Crypt/CBC.pm
- libmessage-passing-perl: /usr/share/perl5/Message/Passing/Filter/Encoder/Crypt/CBC.pm
- libmessage-passing-perl: /usr/share/perl5/Message/Passing/Role/Crypt/CBC.pm
It's a productive server with 200 customers on board so it's a bit urgent ...
How can I solve this problem?