add plugin and installation in progress... blocked

  • Hello

    I have a problem installing the LetsEncrypt plugin version 3.6.0

    it hangs on Installation in progress...

    and now all modification on a domain (add ftp, change php version...), I have modification in progress and remain blocked on it

    in the interface of imscp, impossible to delete the plugin, or to re-install it, nothing happens

    Any idea how to remove it and get everything back to normal?

    thank you


    IMSCP 1.5.3
    DEBIAN 9

  • Without any logs it's a little bit difficult to help... There's not only the panel to manage your server, you also have mysql and the shell...

    So first, using PMA or whatever you like, disable the plugin...

  • thanks

    i look and no file log for letsencrypt

    only Modules::Plugin_PhpSwitcher.log and Modules::Plugin_ServerDefaultPage.log

    only log in file imscp-dpkg-post-invoke.log contains

    and i don't see something for letsencrypt

    IMSCP 1.5.3
    DEBIAN 9