imscp-dsk-quota MySQL server has gone away

  • Hello guys,

    since some weeks I receive every night the following mail message:

    Contents of /var/log/imscp/imscp-dsk-quota.log:

    I've checked everything I could check, I also found a possible related issue here: but unfortunately without a solution.

    Am I the one facing this problem ?

    Everything is working perfectly as expected on my system, the only issue I have is with that thing.

    The system:

    - Debian 9 x64, i-MSCP 1.5.3-2018120800, Dovecot, php-fpm (7.0 as default), proftpd, MariaDB 10.1

    - Plugins: ClamAV, LetsENcrypt, Mailgraph, Monitorix, OpenDKIM, PhpSwitcher, PostScreen, RoundcubePlugins, ServerDefaultPage, SpamAssassin, WHMCS (all latest versions)

    If you need any further informations, please feel free to ask.

    Thank you,

    bye Kess.

  • Good morning,

    This is a known issue which should be solved in next i-MSCP maintenance version.
