Proftpd hanging since update

  • Hey guys, just wanted to see if anyone else has come across this... I upgraded my main 1.0.3 to 1.1.0-rc1.4 the other day, and ever since, my Proftpd will use 100% cpu (single thread) whenever someone tries to connect, and it will timeout while trying to login.

    I have disabled IPv6, disabled TLS, made it not load TLS, etc. and it still happens. Have you seen this before, or any ideas of what it could be? Everything was fine and fast before the upgrade. I'm going to start running traces I guess, to see where the CPU usage is going...

    Debian 6.0.6, and it shows ProFTPD as 1.3.3a.

    Edited once, last by anarking ().

  • hmm, i just noticed that backups are now running as bzip and not pbzip. i know when i've done recent fresh installs of 1.1.0-rc1.4 it is pbzip... something seems off here. I even did an install --reconfigure, no good changes...

  • Hello ;

    I you want, I can add dialog for backup compression algo.

    Cheer ;


  • I also had the same problem, but that wasn't related to a special version of imscp or ispcp. It revealed the includes (/etc/proftpd/imscp) were the problem - obviously proftp takes too long to parse it. In the end, I deactivated these as I don't care, if my clients are able crash their domain-setup by themselves.

    So this is not gonna be a recommendation but a hint :-)

  • Hello,

    to me happen the same problem, last night when I updated from git master the server. Same version of proFTPD and Debian

    ProFTPD 1.3.3a-6squeeze6

    Strange thing "nobody" user on process

    9709 vu2082 20 0 124m 27m 2392 R 99.1 2.7 0:20.52 proftpd
    9712 nobody 20 0 119m 23m 1256 R 99.8 2.3 0:03.32 proftpd

    any idea ?

  • I also had the same problem, but that wasn't related to a special version of imscp or ispcp. It revealed the includes (/etc/proftpd/imscp) were the problem - obviously proftp takes too long to parse it. In the end, I deactivated these as I don't care, if my clients are able crash their domain-setup by themselves.

    So this is not gonna be a recommendation but a hint :-)

    You are right !

    Thank you

  • Fixed in last RC release.

    Thank you for using i-MCP
