InstanSSH - Jail with PhpSwitcher

  • Hello,

    thank you for your beautiful product!

    I've tried to find information on the forum but I wasn't lucky, in fact what I want to achieve is to give a customers ssh access inside a chroot (and that's very easy with instantssh), with permission to run php (and that's fine adding php section to config.php) but he also need to run php version compiled inside phpswitcher (/opt/phpswitcher/xxxx/phpx.x/bin/php )

    How can I do to make these binary available inside the jail. I've tried to copy "php" section but I didn't understand when and where /usr/bin/php is copied so I'm blocked :(

    Thank you in advance for your help!

  • Good morning,

    First, don't worry, it practicable... The thing is, what is the content of your InstantSSH plugin configuration file? Please show us your current configuration file (don't forget to make use of bbcode tags).

    Basically put, the various files are copied when the jails are built. So here, if you change something in the InstantSSH plugin configuration file, that is, if you add a new section, you must not forget to trigger a plugin list update to schedule a change (reconfiguration) of the plugin. On change, the jails will be rebuilt, taking into account the new section but, adding a new section is not sufficient... You need enable it and that why I ask you to post the current content of your configuration file.

    Another things to take into consideration, is the fact that sometime, you also need to copy dependencies (shared libraries)... The self-compiled PHP versions rely on several shared libraries, which you need to determine.

    TheCry If I remember well, you did such thing in the past with the InstantSSH plugin. Maybe you could help here.


  • Good morning,

    First, don't worry, it practicable... T

    TheCry If I remember well, you did such thing in the past with the InstantSSH plugin. Maybe you could help here.

    Hi Nuxwin, thank you for your reply. The config is basic, I jsut added some sections and rebuilt the jail.

    This is the content of config.php

    as you can see, nothing particularly different from the original.