Today i'd installed a new server with Debian Squeeze...
After this i used the nightly script to install imscp..
Everything seems to be ok...
At the step with the ssl for the panel i choosed the offical ssl cert, because i'd buyed a cert on http://www.psw.net/ssl-zertifikate.cfm (Positiv SSL).
I'd created a key and a csr on my server.
After this i put the key-file into the folder /etc/apache2/ssl/. As i received the cert i uploaded the intermediate and the cert file to the same folder (/etc/apache2/ssl/).
While the installation of imscp the diaglog asked for the keyfile... OK -This works.
After this the dialog asked for the certfile and there began my problem... I put the right path and the correct filename, but at the bottom of the dialog you can see an error that the certfile is not a certifacte.
If i put there the intermediate file the dialog will go on... But the next mask ask me again for the intermediate file...
Top complete the diaglog i put the same file for the intermediate..
After all the setup completed correctly. But the ssl doesn't work.
I should edit the 00_master_ssl.conf on my own to enable the correct ssl files.
I hope you understand me Daniel..