Adding new feature to add, deactivate, remove RBL Server List in Admin Level

  • Hi Laurent,

    it will be a nice feature if you implement in the admin level a section to add, activate, deactivate differnt RBL servers.

    At the moment the spam are horrible and if the customers add some forwarder to GMX, Hotmail, a.s.o. your server wil be added to the blacklist.

    I did add the RBL servers manually to the (smtpd_recipient_restrictions)

    1. reject_rbl_client,
    2. reject_rbl_client,
    3. reject_rbl_client,
    4. reject_rbl_client,
    5. reject_rbl_client,
    6. reject_rbl_client,

    This helped me a lot.

    Yes i know i can use a listener, but i think this is a nice feature for the panel.



  • TheCry

    Changed the title of the thread from “Adding new feature for add, deactivate, remove RBL Server List in Admin Level” to “Adding new feature to add, deactivate, remove RBL Server List in Admin Level”.
  • TheCry

    Good morning,

    When a customer setup email forward (such as forwarding to gmail, hotmail)... best would be to not forward the mails when they are flagged as SPAM. I think we could make something like described here:…mail-postfixspamassassin/

    What I would want is: If the mail is flagged as SPAM, we deliver it locally but we don't forward it. I need have a look at the Postfix documentation for that. Of course, if the SPAM get forwarded to services such as gmail, hotmail, you'll get blacklisted very faster because their system will report you as a spammer... That's a real and big problem.

    Regarding your idea to add a feature for RBL servers, you can do that through listener file... Don't forget that for most of RBL, you're rate limited.

    mikerhyner  konzeptplus That's the problem we talked about and which we need to fix.


  • Nuxwin

    Added the Label to be discussed
  • Thanks Laurent.

    I think the the SpamAssassin Feature should be implemented in the next SpamAssassin version (Dropping the Spam).

    Adding RBL with the gui is better than to use a listerner..

    Just my 2 cent

  • Thanks Laurent.

    I think the the SpamAssassin Feature should be implemented in the next SpamAssassin version (Dropping the Spam).

    Adding RBL with the gui is better than to use a listerner..

    Just my 2 cent

    This is not so easy to implement something at the UI side because there nothing on the backend side that allows to update the postfix configuration file. If we want do that, we need add another layer on to backend side which would allows to override default configuration, even after i-MSCP installation. This is what we are doing with plugins in fact (backend side).

    I don't really understand why it would be so tedious to make use of a listener in that specific case. The i-MSCP Postfix server implementation provide a routine that make edition of the file very easy. As a sysadmin, editing a single file to remove or adding RBL servers is not so hard, isn't it?

    BTW: You can keep your 2 cents in your pocket. I do not do the sleeve. Best would be to propose hundred of dollars... :D


  • I don't really understand why it would be so tedious to make use of a listener in that specific case. The i-MSCP Postfix server implementation provide a routine that make edition of the file very easy. As a sysadmin, editing a single file to remove or adding RBL servers is not so hard, isn't it?

    It isn't hard. ;)

    I understand now why it is not so easy to implement. So i will do it with a listener