I upgraded mei Webhost to Debian 9.8 Stretch. Everything works fine except the PHPSwitcher because i need to recompile the php versions.
I tried to compile like shown in the tutorial with the command e.g.:
But i always get following error:
- /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/PhpSwitcher/PhpCompiler/Makefile:368: die Regel für Ziel „configure-5.6-stamp“ scheiterte
- [ERROR] main: An unexpected error occurred: An error occurred while executing the install MAKE(1) target for php-5.6.32: aclocal: warning: autoconf input should be named 'configure.ac', not 'configure.in'
- configure: WARNING: This bison version is not supported for regeneration of the Zend/PHP parsers (found: 3.0, min: 204, excluded: 3.0).
- ../configure: line 5439: test: too many arguments
- configure: error: Unable to detect ICU prefix or no failed. Please verify ICU install prefix and make sure icu-config works.
- make: *** [configure-5.6-stamp] Fehler 1
I am using Debian 9 Stretch with i-mscp 1.5.3 and PHPSwitcher Version 4.0.3 (Build 2017111000)
Thanks in advance