Php switcher. - paypal.

  • Good evening,

    You need just download it.


  • Nuxwin

    Added the Label question (answered)
  • Thank you very much i found it. kb 2 commands I installed it from a row the php7 beside it the 5.6 versions.

    I would have a trouble that I switch onto 5.6 issues it with a sick-note,that tarralom coding mistake. Possibly what or where ekll to install it to 5.6,how it should be going what is megyM on a 7 version from a basis from a 5.6 system there would be a word.

    I would relate it a pro made work,

  • Thank you very much i found it. kb 2 commands I installed it from a row the php7 beside it the 5.6 versions.

    I would have a trouble that I switch onto 5.6 issues it with a sick-note,that tarralom coding mistake. Possibly what or where ekll to install it to 5.6,how it should be going what is megyM on a 7 version from a basis from a 5.6 system there would be a word.

    Oh, my... Please write in your native language because here, I understand nothing.


  • Hunagry :(

    Nevermind, please just write in hungarian (with correct spelling) and I'll translate back to English ;)


  • Szia Gábor vagyok.

    Először is szeretném megköszönni ezt a szuper plugint. Illetve,hogy segítesz. (Péter - Halálmúmia) Egy barátom aki ismer téged elég jó véleményt alkotott rólad és ezáltal döntöttem a pluginek megvásárlása mellett. olyan gondom lenne ,hogy van egy rendeszerm, ami 5.6 php alatt futott kb 8 évig. most eddig 7.0 verzió volt fent. Részben át lett írva a portál de sok részt nem lehet. És most felratkam az 5.6-os verziót és ezt írja ki minden oldalra Tartalom kódolási hiba...


    ubuntu 16.04

  • Re,


    Tartalom kódolási hiba...

    Please show us the exact error message. And please read also the Php Switcher documentation carefully. See

    Basically put, the PHP modules for the PHP versions (self-compiled) that are provided by the PhpSwitcher plugin are not managed through your distribution tool.

    If you don't figure out alone, you can always give us access to the server for investigation.
