SSL für Emails

  • Hallo,

    ich bin jetzt von Froxlor auf Imscp gestiegen und bin bisher ganz zufrieden :), es läuft alles und auch gut, habe mir let encrypt als Plugin zugelegt.

    Die Frage ist, wie kann ich pop3 und Smtp Mut Let's Encrypt verbinden?? So das die Mails auch über SSL laufen??

    Das wäre echt super, wenn jemand Helfen könnte :)

    Vielen Dank!!!

  • We 're selling a plugin for Let's Encrypt integration. We will not give you any clue regarding usage of certbot without our plugin.


    TheCry likes this.
  • Sould

    According your status, you're not a customer... Anyway, we answered the question several time. Search on our forums please.


  • As administrator, go to the letsencrypt UI and enable letsencrypt for the services. Then, in your mail client, make use of the server hostname for both IMAP (or POP) and SMTP servers.

    BTW: Multiple accounts are not allowed on our forums. I'll remove the Sould account.


  • So, it's already enabled. You need now setup your mail client correctly, that is, set the server hostname (service certificate name) for both, the IMAP/POP and SMTP server.


  • can i ad an other domain for mail? "Dienstleistungen" ? or change this?

    You can add up to 100 SANs. But, you need understand that postfix doesn't support SNI. That why you need use the server hostname in your mail client. We already answered and explained that many time on our forum. Please make a search for futher details.
