Multi E-Mail Addresses

  • Hi there,

    at the moment you can add one e-mail address only. But it would be great to be able to add as much sub mail addresses as possible - only for receiving.

    e.g. I add user@domain.tld

    and also add:



  • UncleSam

    Please clarify a bit. What you say is already possible from my point of view, using normal + forward mail account.


  • Yes but if you have a lot of mail addresses which should be redirected to one single address something like this would be more comfortable:


    (note: maybe for security reasons just for the current domain)

  • UncleSam

    You don't clarify anything in my eyes ;) What you're showing in your screenshot is already possible.


  • I think UncleSam would like to have a form where you can insert a mailbox with its aliases (as other panels do, or as Office 365 does).

    Today it's possible with i-MSCP too, but you have to create a mail forward for each of these aliases that gets redirected to the "principal" mailbox.

  • Today it's possible with i-MSCP too, but you have to create a mail forward for each of these aliases that gets redirected to the "principal" mailbox.

    No true. You need only create a mail account + forward account (same form), then add your aliases (same form)... You do not have to create each mail forward account separately. Note that a forward mail account is nothing more than an alias.


  • I'm sure we don't understand each other, let's try to explain better.

    At present, when you add a "Normal & Forward" you add a single mail address or virtual mailbox that redirects the incoming messages to a single or multiple mailboxes.

    What UncleSam needs is the exact opposite. e-mail incoming on multiple mailboxes or aliases on the server gets redirected to a single mailbox.

    This beahviour is possible at present, but you need to create a Forward mailbox for each single needed alias.

    Example: all e-mails incoming to,,,,, goes in the mailbox

    I hope to have explained in the good way and I hope also to have understood what UncleSam needs...

  • What UncleSam needs is the exact opposite. e-mail incoming on multiple mailboxes or aliases on the server gets redirected to a single mailbox.

    This beahviour is possible at present, but you need to create a Forward mailbox for each single needed alias.

    If you create a normal + forward account as follows:

    mail account:

    forward (aliases) :

    then send a message to one of the aliases, mail will be delivered into the mailbox.

    That's what you want? If yes, what you want is to be able to create local mailboxes from provided aliases list... That's a bit tedious... Such feature isn't provided by other panels. You need first create the local mailboxes, then, list them in aliases list if needed. I don't know any panel which will create the local mailboxes using alias addresses list automatically. And here, I don't talk about possible "loopback to myself" problems...


  • Hi Nuxwin,

    thank you for clarification. If it's tedious I'm sure that who needs that feature will be able to live with the creation of multiple forwards with the "main" mailbox as target.

    I hope that UncleSam understood what you wrote :-)

    Thank you anyway

  • Ok I tried what you said:

    - Changed my mail account from mail to mail+forward

    - Added onw forward address to the list called testaddress@domain.tld

    - Send a mail to testaddress@domain.tld

    - Got error (User unknown in virtual mailbox table)

    This is not a critical wish or something like that. I just wanted to know if I want to add 10 alias which should all be collected in one mail account if I need to add 10 email forward entries or if there could be something like a textbox at the user mail address like "aliases" where I can define all mail addresses which are going to be delivered in this account.