Switch to MariaDB

  • Hey guys,

    I'm using the latest imscp version (1.5.3) on Debian Stretch. What is the recommed way to switch from MySQL to MariaDB which is recommed database for Debian Stretch.

  • Without further details, we cannot help...

    Currrent SQL server vendor/version?


  • Without further details, we cannot help...

    Currrent SQL server vendor/version?

    oh sorry missed to give you that information.
    At the moment mysql in version 5.7 is in use.

    1. mysql -V
    2. mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.24, for Linux (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper
  • Well first, MariaDB is not recommended for Debian Stretch. The thing is that MariaDB is provided by Debian Stretch in place of MySQL... Now about upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to MariaDB, you should be able to upgrade to MariaDB 10.2 (not 10.1 as provided by Debian repository) wihtout too much difficulties. See https://mariadb.com/kb/en/libr…b-vs-mysql-compatibility/

    First, you should backup all your SQL data, that is: the /var/lib/mysql and /etc/mysql directories. Once done, you must edit the /etc/imscp/imscp.conf file and change

    1. SQL_PACKAGE= Servers::sqld::mysql


    1. SQL_PACKAGE =

    Once done, run the imscp-autoinstaller script from the i-MSCP 1.5.3 distribution directory as follows:

    1. # cd /usr/local/src/
    2. # perl imscp-autoinstall -dr sql

    If you want, I can test the migrration on my test server first. Then, I'll be able to give you the full instructions. Is that ok?


  • If you want, I can test the migrration on my test server first. Then, I'll be able to give you the full instructions. Is that ok?

    Thank you for your answer.
    I think that would be great if you can test it. I think i'm not the only user who want to switch to maria db in the future cause it's provided by Debian Stretch.

  • I think i'm not the only user who want to switch to maria db in the future cause it's provided by Debian Stretch.

    Of course but ... remember that MariaDB 10.2 is provided by i-MSCP through official MariaDB team repository, not through Debian repository as the version provided by this last (10.1) isn't a drop-in replacement for MySQL 5.7. I'll do the test, either this evening or tomorrow morning and will post my feedback.


  • batZen

    It is an order? Sorry, I cannot be on every front at the same time ;) I'll do that on my free time.


  • theemstra

    Added the Label to be investigated