Hi there,
Are there any working scripts/tutorials around how to migrate a complete server from
Debian 8 to Debian 9 and as well as i-mscp 1.4.4 to 1.5.3?
Hi there,
Are there any working scripts/tutorials around how to migrate a complete server from
Debian 8 to Debian 9 and as well as i-mscp 1.4.4 to 1.5.3?
please search.
@Patrick , great answer mate *lol*
Hi, will you migrate to a new server?
Otherwise. Disable all plugins. Update to i-mscp 1.5.3, update all plugins. Next, update to debian stretch and then run the imscp installer again
@Patrick , great answer mate *lol*
Your question has been asked many times. In any Board, users are expected to search first. Not obeying to this rule is considered rude and answered accordingly.
Bulli, no I'm not upgrading an existing server. I have an old one and now I have now installed a fresh server with Debian 9 and installed i-mscp 1.5.3 and I would like to move the data/users/settings over to the new one
f4Nm1Z9k2P why don't you point to those magic post please?
Look here: https://blog-speedy.de/serverumzug-i-mscp/
Update your current server to 1.5.3 and then copy the data.