Migrate from Debian 8 and i-mscp 1.4.4 to Debian 9 and i-mscp 1.5.3

  • Hi there,

    Are there any working scripts/tutorials around how to migrate a complete server from

    Debian 8 to Debian 9 and as well as i-mscp 1.4.4 to 1.5.3?



  • please search.

    my System :

    - Distribution: Debian | Release: 9.13 | Codename: wheezy
    - i-MSCP Version: i-MSCP 1.5.3| Build: 20181208 | Codename: Ennio Morricone
    - Plugins installed: ClamAV (v. 1.3.0), Mailgraph (v 1.1.1), OpenDKIM (v 2.0.0), SpamAssassin (v 2.0.1)
    - LetsEncrypt (v3.3.0), PhpSwitcher (v 5.0.5), RoundcubePlugins (v 2.0.2)YubiKeyAuth 1.1.0

  • Hi, will you migrate to a new server?

    Otherwise. Disable all plugins. Update to i-mscp 1.5.3, update all plugins. Next, update to debian stretch and then run the imscp installer again

  • Bulli, no I'm not upgrading an existing server. I have an old one and now I have now installed a fresh server with Debian 9 and installed i-mscp 1.5.3 and I would like to move the data/users/settings over to the new one

    f4Nm1Z9k2P why don't you point to those magic post please?