LetsEncrypt plugin v3.5.0 RELEASED

  • Dear customers, community,

    A new version of the LetsEncrypt plugin has just been released.


    • Fixed: Cron job for SSL certificates renewal abort due to missing bind variable (SQL statement)
    • Fixed: Required distribution packages are not installed while plugin installation (regression fix)
    • Review: Default policy for SSL certificate renewal (automation) now set to 21 days to fit with Let's Encrypt expiry notices
    • Updated: Certbot from version 0.24.0 to version 0.26.1

    The plugin documentation is available at https://wiki.i-mscp.net/doku.php?id=plugins:letsencrypt

    Once registered on our forums, you can purchase this plugin at https://i-mscp.net/wcf/paid-subscription-list/ (one time payment).

    Thank you for purchasing our plugins.


  • Nuxwin

    Closed the thread.