Hi all,
sorry to stress this again but I have a strange behavior now.
As posted yesterday, I installed the letsencrypt plugin and got it working. Small issue with the PanelRedirect plugin was solved after a hint from Nuxwin.
Thanks again !
Now the issue is that the ssl cert is working for the admin page but I get a message that the cert is not valid.
Reason for that is that the cert is created for the last created domain via letsencrpyt plugin and not for the original admin domain.
Here is an example to understand it better.
Admin panel is running with domain name admin.example1.com
But the used ssl cert is named for example2.com. Domain2 was the last successful domain created by the letsencrypt plugin.
Did I missed here something?
In an other thread nuxwin in refering to use the ServerDefaultPage, Is this the trick here as well?