Mailversand an Freenet - 550 spam message rejected

  • Hallo,

    seit kurzem gehen keine E-Mails an Freenet mehr raus.


    <EMPFÄ>: host[] said: 550 spam
    message rejected by mx: (in reply to end of DATA command)

    Betrifft anscheinend nur Freenet, an andere Empfänger kein Problem.
    Mails von Freenet kommend sind kein Problem.

    Laut ist der Server ok.

  • <EMPFÄ>: host[] said: 550 spam
    message rejected by mx: (in reply to end of DATA command)

    When you ask us why ?


  • Sorry, I don't understand your reply.

    Obviously the messages get rejected because they are marked as spam.
    But I don't know WHY they are marked and how to change it.
    We recently updated to i-MSCP 1.5.3 Build: 20180516. Can the problem be related to the update?

  • We recently updated to i-MSCP 1.5.3 Build: 20180516. Can the problem be related to the update?

    No. Please look at the CHANGELOG for version 1.5.3. You'll see that nothing can explain that behavor.

    We cannot say you why the message is reported as SPAM. We have not much information about your setup and so on.
