@fulltilt We can be happy that we now have an european wide legislation. The differences in our countries were the biggest reason to start this initiative. We will see a european interpretation of this law.
As client (of whatever you may think, dedicated servers, virtual servers, xAAS) I'm in need for a ADV (de). So my "seller" has to cooperate and deliver me this. If not, I have to look for another provider.
Just to remember you in this discussion: GDPR was set off 2016 with only few discussions among people. Now we have to deal with the consequences. This law is done. But today, there is a next law on the run. In de its called "Leistungsschutzgesetz". In contrary to the GDPR (a good thing per se) this one is really bad, in intention as well as in the text. Using a title in a link? Will be very different regarding copyright. It is now to our European Parliament to stop this. This law was made by the lobby of the publishing industry trying to reestablish a monopolistic situation in the web.