ADV-Vertrag zusätzlich vorgeschrieben?

  • @fulltilt We can be happy that we now have an european wide legislation. The differences in our countries were the biggest reason to start this initiative. We will see a european interpretation of this law.

    As client (of whatever you may think, dedicated servers, virtual servers, xAAS) I'm in need for a ADV (de). So my "seller" has to cooperate and deliver me this. If not, I have to look for another provider.

    Just to remember you in this discussion: GDPR was set off 2016 with only few discussions among people. Now we have to deal with the consequences. This law is done. But today, there is a next law on the run. In de its called "Leistungsschutzgesetz". In contrary to the GDPR (a good thing per se) this one is really bad, in intention as well as in the text. Using a title in a link? Will be very different regarding copyright. It is now to our European Parliament to stop this. This law was made by the lobby of the publishing industry trying to reestablish a monopolistic situation in the web.

    Currently not using i-MSCP.

  • @fulltilt We can be happy that we now have an european wide legislation. The differences in our countries were the biggest reason to start this initiative. We will see a european interpretation of this law.

    It's a nightmare for everyone,
    - for website visitors who have to move through tons of legal texts and have to agree all over
    - for companys and startups who now have to ask a lawyer how to set up their websites in compliance with the law
    - for the providers, because security mechanisms may not work as they should, the enormous workload and because it discourages new customers from ordering and several existing customers will quit because of the confusing bs.

    that would be just as dreadful if you have to sign hundreds of contracts in a shopping mall or gas station because they process the same data when clients paying with their credit card or data is recorded with bonus or discount promotions ...

  • @fulltilt Yes, you are right:

    - visitors: luckily they are used to this with this glorious "OK" for cookies button :D
    - companies: in Germany they already should have done most of this, as we had a similar data protection law (BDSG). Google spent 500 men-years on that. Bad for small enterprises with only few resources. :thumbdown: And they still can't be sure that everything is implemented correct.
    - hm, maybe, security will be enhanced. Because of more inherent security and less (harmful) plugins. An american information provider (LA times?) stripped his code for european customers. US citizens get 5 MB, europeans get 500 KB!

    We have to go through these hard times in the new digital world, because "anything goes" is no option either. Where I live we have a lot of discussions about "digital society", looking for the risks, but also taking the chances. :thumbup:

    But as we can't change things, let us do our homework and implement privacy in the best way possible and wait for the results in every day life :-/

    Currently not using i-MSCP.

  • fulltilt

    I think that we given you sufficient answers regarding the GDPR. We are not a GDPR support forum. Google is your friend ;)


  • Nuxwin

    Closed the thread.
  • Nuxwin

    Added the Label question (answered)