CronJobs Plugin Requirements

  • I uploaded both, the Cronjobs and the InstantSSH plugins.

    Then, I installed the cronjobs plugin, but it shows the following error:

    An unexpected error occurred:

    InstantSSH::JailBuilder::MakeJail::createJail: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/InstantSSH/bin/makejail", line 118, in import magicImportError: No module named magic

    After installing the InstantSSH plugin, the Cronjobs plugin also installs without any issues.

    Maybe this should be mentiones as a dependency on the wiki page.

  • @major

    Maybe this should be mentiones as a dependency on the wiki page.

    Open your eyes :D

    Inside each plugin archive, there is a file in which you can find relevant instructions. There is also a documentation available here:…s:instantssh#requirements

    See also:


  • Hi,

    I've read that wiki articles.
    What I meant was, that it sounds like you can use CronJobs without InstantSSH, if you don't want to use jailed cron jobs.

    Anyways, I am using both plugins, so no further problems. :)

    Regards, Sven.

  • What I meant was, that it sounds like you can use CronJobs without InstantSSH, if you don't want to use jailed cron jobs.

    So ok, problem is that if you upload the InstantSSH plugin without installing it and then, you install the CronJobs plugin, an error is raised because dependencies for the InstantSSH library are not meet. Well, I'll review that part. Normally, the Cronjobs plugin should not try to use the library provided by the InstantSSH plugin if that one is not installed yet.
