MySQL DB optimieren

  • Servus, ich möchte MySQL optimieren, da MySQLTuner mir einiges an Fehlern anzeigt. In welcher Config muss ich die Sachen ändern? Änderungen in der my.cnf bewirken nichts.

    Dann muss es ja eine von den sein:


    i-MSCP-Version: 1.5.1


    Edited 2 times, last by sash456 ().

  • @sash456

    I want not hurt you but if you're not even able to figure which file must be edited, you should really avoid to change configuration parameters. Changing your SQL server configuration by folllowing recommandations of the mysqltuner script result without knowning what you're doing is really a bad idea.

    Furthermore, you don't say us which SQL vendor you're using...

    Anyway, I would remind you that we are not a school for system administrators ;)
    Be aware that if you break your SQL server, you won't receive any support from our side.
