Customer assignments - Exception raised due to wrong SQL statement

  • When I'm logged in as admin, I'm able to move customers between resellers. There's an pulldown "from reseller" and another one "to reseller". However, the first one shows, beside of valid entries, "N/A" as selectable value. By doing so, I'm running into an exception.

    I don't know if the migration led to this problem or if there's a bug. It's not a big thing - just want to report it.


    • exception.png

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  • I'll check and provide a patch today. See next post.


  • @biologist

    Confirmed. Even worse than that exception raised due to wrong SQL statement is the current implementation of that feature which is really ugly... Thus, I'll rewrite it and improve it at the same time.

    Currently, when target reseller limits or permissions are below those of the moved customers, an error is raised. I don't like this because this means that the administrator must first edit limits and permissions of the customers he want to move on (lower them). Instead, I'll simply extend the reseller limits and permissions as needed. That will avoid the administrator to have to edit limits or permissions of the customer that he want to move on. Imagine if the administrator want to move 30 customers. Having to edit limits and permissions of 30 customers is not really productive because that take too much time. I assume here that if an administrator want to move a customer to another reseller, he know what he is doing, regardless of current limits and permissions set for the target reseller. In short, the new interface will present as follows:


    Yeah, yeah... When I say I'll rewrite, I meant, I have rewritten .. CHUCKLES....
