You are exceeding your disk space limit. After upgrade from 1.4.7 to 1.5.0

  • After upgrade from 1.4.7 to 1.5.0, by switching from Admin to Resseller account, an message is displayed, "You are exceeding your disk space limit.". Also the indicator bar is 100%, but the numbers are different.

    Problem is shown on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and 16.04 LTS.

    A possible bug in i-mscp 1.5.0 ?


    • Untitled.png

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  • @Delta04

    What is the real disk space limit set for the reseller?


  • I moddified the disk limit for the reseller (in the ideea to recalculate quota) but no effect.

    Now, in the resseller account is shown,
    100.00% [2.83 TiB / 77.15 GiB]

    Disk quota for the reseller is,

  • @Delta04

    I can confirm the problem. There is a bug in calculation somewhere. I'll investigate and provide you with a patch.

    Below, you can see the inconsistency too with a fresh created account:



  • @Delta04

    You assigned 79000 Mio to your reseller. Question is: Do you have assigned all that quota to customers (total of disk limit assigned to all customers) of that reseller? I think yes ;) That would explain the 100% at least for (percent bar).

    Also please where do you see the warning:

    After upgrade from 1.4.7 to 1.5.0, by switching from Admin to Resseller account, an message is displayed, "You are exceeding your disk space limit.".


  • I've got a similar problem. What I can say is, that the space provided to the user exceeds the space physically available a little bit. The graphic shown provides aggr. informations about the resellers (space usage / traffic).
    Version: Git Master (a few days old).


    • space.png

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  • @biologist

    There is a mix between assigned and used values... I'll provide a patch in few minutes.
