good morning to all.... Excuse me, my bad English
This morning I updated an old panel from version 1.2.11 to 1.4.6, had not yet received the new version 1.4.7
Little you received received the one actaulizacion to the version 1.4.7, I have proceeded to update again the panel of the version 1.4.6 to the version 1.4.7
The update did not complete successfully
- [ERROR] iMSCP :: Stepper :: _ callback: Could not restart the `imscp_traffic 'service: iMSCP :: Provider :: Service :: Sysvinit :: _ exec: Job for imscp_traffic.service failed. See 'systemctl status imscp_traffic.service' and 'journalctl -xn' for details. At /root/panel/imscp-1.4.7/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/ line 227.
- -bash: [ERROR]: The command was not found
I have put back the version 1.4.6 and it works again correctly
Debian Jessie Version
LetsEncrypt 3.3.0
OpenDKIM 1.2.0
PanelRedirect 1.2.0