Hi everyone,
I have a few questions about upgrading the core components of my web server, i.e. PHP 7.0 to PHP 7.1 and the replacement of MySQL with MariaDB. I have successfully completed my OS upgrade vom Debian 8.6 to Debian 9.0, I am on the sid branch for Apache 2.4.25 and the official MySQL repo. My sources.list looks like that:
The next steps I want to perform is a switch to PHP7.1, not with PHPSwitcher plugin but with the os version. I've used Debian sid as well for that. First, I had removed the PHP7.0 packages (I didn't purge it in case to roll back and have my settings) and installed 7.1! The apache2 mod was enabled, as well as the FastCGI service (FPM) was active and running. But neither the backend nor the frontend of my homepafge was accessible. I got an 503 error.
What additional steps do I have to perform to get the back- and frontend to working?
For MariaDB I just wanted to make a dump of all MySQL databases and import it into MariaDB. Would this work?
The most interesting question: does I-MSCP work with PHP7.1 and MariaDB? Or will it try to install MySQL and other components?
Thanks for your help.