Switch to MariaDB

  • Since Oracle more or less given up MySQL i think a switch to MariaDB (which is maintained by Monty, creator of MySQL) is the correct way to go.

    I just wan't to create an open discussion about this and see what the devs think.
    MariaDB is fully compatible with MySQL so the switch shouldn't be so hard.

    Wikipedia is throwing out MySQL for MariaDB and the performance they measured is 8% faster ;)


  • Fanating of OpenSource is not so good as for standartisation components? Where did you see a CMS under MariaDB?
    PostgreSQL - maybe, but not exotic databases.

    Edited once, last by DragonZX ().

  • I-mscp is based mainly on debian and ubuntu, when the moment comes to make the switch both distributions will do the changes, and there are no plans to go faster in mariadb adoption than the distributions.

    If you are willing to use this, you can use mariadb repositories and replace you copy of mysql for mariadb ->

  • Hello ;

    I can add it as alternative if you want. It's easy.


  • That would be great.

    Now Fedora throws out MySQL for the benefit of MariaDB

    Source: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTI4MDY

    Hello ;

    Don't' worry ;) Support for maria DB will be part of next release. I've added support for external repositories.

    repository="http://php53.dotdeb.org squeeze all"
    repository="http://ftp.igh.cnrs.fr/pub/mariadb/repo/5.3/debian squeeze main"
    comment="Compatible with MySQL 5.1"
    repository="http://ftp.igh.cnrs.fr/pub/mariadb/repo/5.5/debian squeeze main"
    comment="Compatible with MySQL 5.5"

    Thanks you for using i-MSCP.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Agree with you, but tn that case it must be also PostgreSQL support in that case.

    You cannot compare MariaDB with PostgreSQL. MariaDB is a drop in replacement for MySQL and is fully compatible. It's not the case of PostgreSQL ;)


  • You cannot compare MariaDB with PostgreSQL. MariaDB is a drop in replacement for MySQL and is fully compatible. It's not the case of PostgreSQL ;)

    Oups, I garbled MariaDB... My fault...

  • MariaDB is now supported in master.
