PhpSwitcher 3.0.0 error in admin web interface

  • Hello guys,
    after resolving some issues I'm now faced with another problem.

    In the attached screenshot, I can't click (so I can not perform) the following actions:
    - Deactivate PHP version
    - Delete PHP version
    - Regenerate static info files

    I can:
    - Add New PHP version


    Tried with FF and Edge, same problem. Cleared cache, restarted browser, and so on.
    I can not provide any kind of logs.

    Ifyou need any further info, please let me know.

    Thank you,
    bye Kess.

  • @kess

    The only thing I can confirm with FF is the Re-generate phpinfo button that don't work because there is a missing function arguement the JS code. I can deactivate and delete PHP versions. Please, try to enable the js debugger from your browser to see if there is any error showed when you try to deactivate a PHP version.


  • @kess

    Yes ;) I'll try to fix it in next minutes. After, I'm in vacation.


  • @kess

    Sorry, I've not time for the announcement.

    Thank you for your report.


  • You're welcome.
    Thread closed.
