Let's Encrypt Can't create Domain SSL

  • Hello,
    i installed Let's Encrypt without any Problems. But when i activate SSL for some Domains this error apears:

    These Error comes for every Domain i create.

    My System is running on Debian Wheezy, i-MSCP 1.3.16 and LetsEncrypt 2.0.5

    What did i wrong?


  • @id-worx

    Do you use the PanelRedirect plugin? and if yes, which version? Also please, show us the .htaccess file from the htdocs directory of your owncloud instance. If you can figure out alone, give us access to the server and we will investigate.


  • PanelRedirect is 1.1.5 and there is no .htaccess.

    Best is to give us access to the server.


  • @id-worx

    Problem fixed.

    There was a problem with the ServerDefaultPage plugin. The /etc/imscp/serverdefaultpage.pem SSL certificate file was missing, leading to an Apache2 error

    1. mail:~# apache2ctl -tSyntax error on line 13 of /etc/apache2/imscp/before/00_ServerDefaultPage_ssl.conf:SSLCertificateFile: file '/etc/imscp/serverdefaultpage.pem' does not exist or is emptyAction '-t' failed.The Apache error log may have more information.

    I've fixed the problem on your server by disabling/re-enabling the ServerDefaultPage plugin. Once done, I've been able to setup Let's Encrypt SSL certificate for your domains.
    Note that I've also updated certbot to latest version by running the following command. However, this was not really needed

    1. # certbot
