I've two question to the developers:
1) Some clients do not update their cms on a regular basis. Basically, I don't care, but as such webspaces have been compromised several times in ordner to spread spam, I completely disallowed relaying mails without auth in Postfix. Now, how can I force IMSCP to use Auth? I patched ARPL and engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/Mail.pm also seems to be a target. But there must be a third way where all regular mails (not warnings) are generated.
2) In future, I want to migrate my Gentoo-installation to Ubuntu or Debian in order to get your updates directly (without having masses of work). However, as I made several custom changes, I'm currently about to get all that stuff integrated.
On my imscp-installation, there are a couple of resellers that use different nameservers. Using a listener, I'd like to lookup on which reseller a given domain belongs to and set NS accordingly. I think an sql-statement using unions over domain, subdomain, alias-domain and sub-alias-domain should do it. Could you guys please write a short snippet what is necessary to send a sql-request using the imscp-library?
Note: In general this would be a nice feature to be integrated in imscp.
Thanks in advance!