Why does imscp install with cgi-bin outside of web directory?

  • I have been using an email script on cpanel hosting for some time now and want to transfer it to imscp, but it's a perl script that runs from cgi-bin.
    Normally, the path would be something like public_html/mail/cgi-bin/login.cgi but imscp puts cgi-bin outside of the public directory. Why is this and how can I install my script?
    Your help please would be much appreciated, have been using imscp for two years now!

  • Hello,

    Why is this

    You can read that document: http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/linux/cgi/ch01_04.htm that will explains you why we don't put CGI scripts in DocumentRoot.

    how can I install my script?

    With i-MSCP there are special directories for CGI scripts. The CGI handler only operates on files from these directories.
    For each domain, you have a cgi-bin directory where you can put your CGI scripts.

    For instance: /var/www/virtual/<domain.tld>/cgi-bin

    So, if you put your login.cgi script in that directory, end-users URL would be: http://<domain.tld>/cgi-bin/login.cgi
