SpamAssassin learn junk folder

  • Hi there,

    I have a question about SpamAssassing. Currently the only way I know to learn new spam messages is to use the roundcube plugin.

    Is there any way to auto learn daily the new message inside the "Junk" folder?

    Reason is simple:
    In all cases I am not using the webmail to manage my E-Mails (Outlook, Handy, Tablet, ...). So every time a spam message was not detected I had to login into the webpanel to set it as spam. One solution would be just to move the message(s) into the "Junk" folder to let the plugin auto learn them as spam.

    Would be great if anyone knows how it works and how I can do that.

  • I have a working solution since some weeks and need to implement that into the next version of the SpamAssassin plugin.

  • @mrpink

    Please, if you do something regarding SA LEARN, don't forgot to move the sa-learn directory outside of the plugin tree. Right now, on each plugin update, content of that directory is flushed... And even if that directory is for volatile data, I would prefer see them outside of the plugin tree.

    You could store that directory into the imscp user homedir instead:

    1. root@srv01:~# getent passwd imscp
    2. imscp:x:1000:1000:i-MSCP master user:/var/local/imscp:/bin/false

    So, something like: /var/local/imscp/spamassassin/sa-learn

    Thank you.


  • Please, if you do something regarding SA LEARN, don't forgot to move the sa-learn directory outside of the plugin tree. Right now, on each plugin update, content of that directory is flushed... And even if that directory is for volatile data, I would prefer see them outside of the plugin tree.

    I also don't like the solution how it is implemented, and I have two different options how to learn mails and both don't need the sa-learn directory inside of the plugin. :)
    I only have to figure out which one is better. Both have pros and cons.