Roundcube error log not created

  • Hi,

    A couple of days ago i upgraded to v1.3.6. Yesterday, after a reboot, i found fail2ban was not running. Turned out it couldn't find /var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools/webmail/logs/errors and therefor failed to start.
    So i touched the file, chown'ed to the correct vu user and fail2ban was happy again.

    Today i upgraded to v1.3.7 and the same thing happens; there is no errors log file for Roundcube. It is not automatically created on a failed login attempt, so i think the i-MSCP installer should create it?

    edit: come to think of it, why does the installer delete an existing log file?

    Edited once, last by DSX ().

  • The errors log file is also deleted when doing perl /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-reconfigure -danv.

  • @DSX

    • The error log file is created automatically by roundcube when needed.
    • The Roundcube package installer doesn't save any old file while i-MSCP update/reconfiguration. Be also aware that roundcube log files are not rotated...

    We will not change the current behavior in the current Serie. If you want keep the log files, you must create a listener which will automatically save and restore the file on i-MSCP update/reconfiguration.

    Thread closed.
