Dear community,
WARNING - Before updating your i-MSCP installation, don't forget to read the errata file WARNING
We are pleasure to announce the immediate availability of i-MSCP version 1.3.6 which is a maintenance release for the 1.3.x Serie.
This new version addresses the following issues:
- Fixed: Several shadowed and unused variables
- Added: Editable DocumentRoot (see the errata file for further details)
- Added: Events for custom DNS records
- Added: Show document roots (relative to mount points) on domains_manage.php page (client side)
- Fixed: Avoid attaching event handler when not necessary (FTP directory chooser)
- Fixed: Connection must be made through SSL when SSL is enabled for the services (VirtualFileSystem)
- Fixed: Forbid direct access to the `/tools' directory
- Fixed: FTP passive mode should be enabled whenever possible (VirtualFileSystem)
- Fixed: Hide URLs on hover event (FTP directory chooser)
- Fixed: Lets the applications choose the charset they want use (panel, pma, net2ftp...)
- Fixed: Make parent directory selectable (FTP directory chooser)
- Fixed: PhpMyAdmin auto-login doesn't works when connecting through SSL with a self-signed certificate
- Fixed: Tooltips not initialized in dialog box (FTP directory chooser)
- Review: Better error handling (VirtualFileSystem)
- Added: apache2 post install task (patch and rebuild mod_proxy_fcgi module)
- Added: Support for package post installation tasks (autoinstaller::Adapter::DebianAdapter)
- Changed: Usage of iMSCP::Crypt::randomStr() to generate passwords
- Fixed: Errors from updDB.php script not properly captured
- Fixed: Making sure that all required PHP modules are enabled by executing php5enmod/phpenmod (regression fix)
- Fixed: Migration script is always run while reconfiguration, forcing clients to re-download all mails (PO servers)
- Fixed: Packages such as `Rainloop' remain selected even when they are unchecked in setup dialog
- Fixed: Preseeding feature is broken - Unable to make unattended installations
- Fixed: Some PHP modules such as `mcrypt' and `imap' are not enabled after a fresh installation (Ubuntu 14.04)
- Fixed: The setupSystemDirectories() subroutine is called too early
- Added: (Allows to override PHP-FPM settings in pool configuration files)
- Fixed: User web directory must be mounted as slave subtree (
- Updated: MonstaFTP package installer for use of Monsta FTP 2.1.x serie
- Added: SQL query for user iteration through `doveadm' (Dovecot)
- Fixed: Authorization problems - You don't have permission to access / on this server (redirect vhosts)
- Fixed: Could not access error documents on error (redirect vhosts)
- Fixed: Could not list directory when accessing FTP server via localhost, and when passive mode is enabled (ProFTPD)
- Fixed: Proxy loop caused by the `ProxyErrorOverride' directive (See the errata file for further details)
- Rewritten: Configuration file (ProFTPD)
- Changed: Create a symlink instead of copying the system PHP binary for the imscp_panel service (Partially closes: #IP-1641)
- #IP-1633 Disabled domains - All sub-pages should be redirected to the root page instead of sending a 404 HTTP error
- #IP-1637 Duplicate mount entries in /etc/imscp/mount/mounts.conf
- #IP-1638 Apache workers not closed on mis-configured vlogger
You can download this new version at:
Thank you for choosing i-MSCP.