Debian 8.6
Imscp 1.3.5
it is possible that the value is greater than 64Mb? I put 100Mb but phpmyadmin out 64
I have managed to 20Mb to 64Mb change but I need something bigger, I write 100mb but leaves only 64Mb
Sorry my bad english
Debian 8.6
Imscp 1.3.5
it is possible that the value is greater than 64Mb? I put 100Mb but phpmyadmin out 64
I have managed to 20Mb to 64Mb change but I need something bigger, I write 100mb but leaves only 64Mb
Sorry my bad english
i think you need to edit the resseller there you have the php settings 3x
i changed them to
These settings work for me
Now the resseller can add a client and there is also the php setting
i changed them to
Done that now the user can use those settings.
ofcourse you can give other vallues
Your answer is wong. PhpMyAdmin is not run through a customer PHP instance.
The correct answer: PHPMyAdmin import file size
I did those steps, wrote a value 100mb but shows only 64mb, there is no way it is worth 100mb?
You did what exactly?
nano /usr/local/etc/imscp_panel.php.ini
post_max_size = 100M
upload_max_filesize = 100M
/etc/init.d/imscp_panel restart
phphyadmin change 20 to 64Mb, but not show 100Mb
Please edit /usr/local/etc/imscp_panel/php-fpm.conf instead (fpm pool configuration). Once done, restart the imscp_panel service.