DNS-Record eintrag fehlgeschlagen

  • Hallo Zusammen,

    ich bin gerade dabei für eine Domain den Nameserver vom Ursprünglichen provider Regfish auf imscp umzustellen. Dabei habe ich zunächst bei regfish angegeben, dass der Nameserver unter der Domain: www.meinedomain.net zu finden ist, sowie die entsprechende IP angegeben.
    Anschließend habe ich im Kunden unter "Domains" "DNS-Eintrag hinzufügen" die MX und A-Records gesetzt. Das hat auch ganz prima geklappt, bis ich gerade einen weiteren A-Record gesetzt habe. Daraufhin bekomme ich nun bei "Status" bei allen Redords folgende Fehlermeldung angezeigt:

    Servers::named::bind::addCustomDNS: Could not dump domain.net zone: dns_master_load: /etc/imscp/bind/working/domain.net.db:59: www.domain.net: CNAME and other datazone domain.net/IN: loading from master file /etc/imscp/bind/working/domain.net.db failed: CNAME

    Wasn da los?

    Gruß Pinky

    (Edit: 1.3.0 auf Debian)

    Edited once, last by pinky ().

  • @pinky

    Show us the custom DNS record that you added. Also the content of the /etc/imscp/bind/working/domain.net.db file (in private if needed).


  • Edit: solved

    No need for private I think.

    I guess the Error occured, cause I entered a sub-sub-Domain in there. (All other customers still work fine, adding and removing DNS-Records to the system works fine.)

    The Error occured after I entered: admin.www.mydomain.net Also, this line is the one mentioned in the error message.

    I removed that line manually from the bind9 conf-file, but the error in this customer still persists. Next I wanted to do is removing the entry from the database, but I am still looking for my mysql root password :)

    Do you have any other hints, that I can do to fix it again? (Would running the installer fix it?)

    Best regards,Pinky

    Edit: Allright, after I recognized another issue with the Plugins-Section I tried to update imscp to 1.3.1 first, in Order to be latest. The Upgrade-Process fails with this error messages:

    1. (...)Plugin::PhpSwitcher::overridePhpFpmServerVariables: Use of uninitialized value $confLevel in string eq at /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/PhpSwitcher/backend/PhpSwitcher.pm line 395.Plugin::PhpSwitcher::overridePhpFpmFastCGIAddr: Use of uninitialized value $confLevel in string eq at /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/PhpSwitcher/backend/PhpSwitcher.pm line 524.Plugin::PhpSwitcher::overridePhpFpmFastCGIAddr: Use of uninitialized value $confLevel in string eq at /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/PhpSwitcher/backend/PhpSwitcher.pm line 526. [ERROR] Servers::named::bind::addCustomDNS: Could not dump domain.net zone: dns_master_load: /etc/imscp/bind/working/domain.net.db:60: www.domain.net: CNAME and other datazone domain.net/IN: loading from master file /etc/imscp/bind/working/domain.net.db failed: CNAME and other datazone domain.net/IN: not loaded due to errors.

    The conf-file shows these lines in the custom DNS Section:

    1. ; custom DNS entries BEGIN
    2. admin.www.domain.net. 3600 IN A x.x.x.x
    3. google.domain.net. 3600 IN A y.y.y.y
    4. imap.domain.net. 3600 IN MX 10 x.x.x.x.domain.net.
    5. mail.domain.net. 3600 IN MX 10 x.x.x.x.domain.net.
    6. smtp.domain.net. 3600 IN MX 10 x.x.x.x.domain.net.
    7. www.domain.net. 3600 IN A x.x.x.x
    8. ; custom DNS entries ENDING

    I guess, there are two different issues. The Plugin that was not deactivated as it should, and the DNS-Zone.

    Any suggestions?

    Edit: Allright, I solved this Problem with deleting the entries in the Database, removed the bind9-config file on the filesystem and launched the installer. DNS is working fine again.

    Best regards,

    Edited 4 times, last by pinky ().