migration from ispcp

  • The migration script diagnosted some problem in my ispcp database. Found quota settings without domain (these domains was deleted early). I fixed these errors, and after the migration script try to login to the mysql with existing accounts, but can't becase the passwords are encrypted.

    In the row 164 of the migration script i found "my @paths" array, and i checked that. 3 paths are corrects from 4. The first was the wrong, but I think that this variable contains every ispcp-db-key file path what ever used so i need only one for correct mysql password decription.

    Have somebody an idea?

    OS: Debian Buster

    i-MSCP: GIT 1.5.3-maintenance branch

    Edited once, last by Kika ().

  • Hello ;

    First, you must know that the migration script is still in a beta state. Unfortunately, I cannot be very helpful since I do not know how Daniel has implemented it. Don't worry, Daniel will answer.


  • Thanks ;)

    additional info: in the row 333 and 334 the db key values are correct.

    OS: Debian Buster

    i-MSCP: GIT 1.5.3-maintenance branch

    Edited once, last by Kika ().

  • Ok.
    I try 4 paths to also allow migration from ispcp > v1.0.7 (actual beta 1.1.0).
    My guess is that database password is already corrupted in table. To test, switch to that user and try to log to pma from client/sql_manage. If autologin fail, means password is already corrupted in table. Can be corrected by changing password from ispcp even with same password.
    Did you ever had problems with panels keys?
    I wait a feed back from you, and thank you for testing.
    Also in /var/log/imscp you have imscp-migrate-from-ispcp.log that contain all operations performed, if you want check.

  • Ah, nothing is touched until all errors are corrected, so you can try this script over and over again untill all problems are solved. When all are corrected, script start modify

  • Ah, nothing is touched until all errors are corrected, so you can try this script over and over again untill all problems are solved. When all are corrected, script start modify

    I checked, and all of my database passwords in my ispcp db are incorrect. I don't understand why, because the most users didn't use the ispcp, and i updated the ispcp when a new released.

    So i will update all passwords and try again :)


    OS: Debian Buster

    i-MSCP: GIT 1.5.3-maintenance branch

  • If all your database password are incorrect means also all mail passwords can be incorrect. Check them too.

  • Set status to change in table for an email you know his password (not a new email, an existing one), then run ispcp-rqst-mngr. See if you can login with that password. To correct also need to change passwords via panel. In my opinion at some point you keys for database where changed (did you eved had prblems with mysql passord? ).
    Just to be clear, this problem is generated by ispcp not by migration script.

    Edited once, last by oldev01 ().