I am in the proces of installing my new server and encountered a problem.
Dont know if this is Imscp related or maybe i am doing something wrong.
Installed Debian Jessie fresh
installed Imscp 1.3.0
installed letsencrypt
installed Dkim
installed php switcher
added 3 websites
all 3 websites enabled the letsencrypt
Https works perfect without any problem checked the green lock and the certs are all ok and belong to the domains
Here you can see the domains with certs Nr1 Nr2 Nr3
Now here comes the problem:
on all 3 domains added email accounts info@
now on outlook i create the mail accounts for the domains
during this proces i get the error certificate is not for this domain do you want to continu
so this meens:
domain Nr1 info@email takes certificate Nr1 from domain Nr1
domain Nr2 info@email takes certificate Nr1 from domain Nr1
domain Nr3 info@email takes certificate Nr1 from domain Nr1
Shoot me either i am doing something wrong
Or there is a serious problem they all use the certificate from domain A
Please advise in this matter
If needed server is at your disposal with root access